August 11, 2010

Back 2 Back

Hi Everyone, I was looking at my photos this past couple of days and noticed I shot a lot of pics with people's back. Now most of them were done this way because I was either to slow or to shy to get their faces, the rest are because I liked the overall look of it in my frame and shot it anyway. It's definitely not a side you see of people in photos now a days, but it's fun to wonder what they were thinking or talking about...

I saw this cute pair while walking up 53rd in New York. They looked so intimate with each other as they walked with their heads close together, whispering even though they were outside.

Here I thought that I wished I could see the father's face as he observed his child crawling up and down the stairs. He was smiling and giggling up at his daddy. But then I noticed the father's shoulders going up and down- he was chuckling back!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Only you would have the audacity to take pictures of people while they wait for the bus, walk around, and read <3

    These pictures make me miss home and New York ;_; I know where you took ALL those pictures. Yes. Even the one with the handsome male waiting for the bus =p

    My favorite photo is of 53rd. You gotta love the old NY brown stone buildings. We got some around here too upstate =D

