October 10, 2011

Stacks of Magazines

{One of my favorite magazines for the everyday gal.}
One of my favorite pastimes for Fall, especially on a rainy day, is to grab a cup of hot cocoa, a plate of cookies or other comfort food and get tear-outs from magazines! Gathering all of my magazines from the previous year (Sept '10-Aug '11 for this time) I tear out anything I find lovely, curious and just simply inspiring. I then cut, paste, scan the images in scrapbooks, onto the laptop or hang on a cork board for ideas! This time, however, I decided to take my stacks of magazines (about 70 of them!) to Kinkos and have them slice off the spines. The experience wasn't quite the same but it did leave me with a bunch of spine edges...I then thought "art!"
{I was absolutely obsessed with Japanese and Korean fashion last year.}
Taking a bunch of spine edges, I lined them up to show a stack of magazines looked from the side. Gluing each edge to a piece of cardboard, I then let it dry and finally framed the entire piece to hang on my wall. Fun and quirky looking!


1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! I would have never thought of this! It's like an ode to typography <3333

