February 3, 2012

Simplicity at it's Best

{A simple yet comfortable Dolman-sleeve shirt. Old Navy}
{A light skirt that gives a lovely silhouette. Anthropologie}
{Classic leather belt done in a coral color. J.Crew}
{A minimalist pair of heels that keeps the overall look simple but chic. J.Crew}

I love how the simplest silhouettes and colors can come together and create a simple yet chic combination. The phrase 'no fuss, no muss' definitely applies here and it reveals another great outfit that transitions beautifully into Spring. 


1 comment:

  1. I love how you put your colors together =) I need to shop with you.

    P.s. Love the asymmetrical cut on that skirt X3 *cough cough*

    <3 Anna
